Using RMAN to copy database from one machine to another.
Node1-----SR or source database
Node2-----DT or destination database.
Backups are on SBT tapes and using EMC Networker Module for Oracle.
Initial requirements.
Oracle installation version must be same on both nodes and both nodes are having same OS version.
I am taking an example of refresh from PROD to QA environment in which most OS and DB versions are same.
Networker client is installed on both nodes and configured for backup
Networker settings for source database on networker server must have set remote access list so that the database backups can be accessed by destination node.(Very important)
RMAN catalog database is already configured and backups are done using catalog.
on Destination
Shutdown the destination database.
sql> shutdown immediate
Go to directory where datafiles ,redo , control files are located and delete them(take backup to a different location before deleting).
$ cd /oracle/oradata/DT/
$cp /oracle/oradata/DT/ * /backup/DT/
$ rm -f *
Do not delete initDT.ora file if its deleted then create one with appropriate parameters.
Edit initDT.ora file and update following parameters for conversion of paths when data files are copied.
Backup source database to tapes (Not required if backup already exists on tapes and want to restore old backups)
on SOURCE database
Login as oracle or db owner UID.
$export NSR_DATA_VOLUME_POOL=oracle (If tape pool is used)
rman>connect target
rman>connect rcvcat
run {
allocate channel t1 type 'SBT_TAPE';
allocate channel t2 type 'SBT_TAPE';
backup database plus archivelog;
release channel t1;
release channel t2;
Once database backup is complete on production.
Now you can start restore on Destination as follows.
connect to NODE2 as oracle or oracle installation owner UID
set environment for destination database DT
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> startup nomount pfile=/oracle/dbs/initDT.ora (path to init param file created above)
SQL> exit
target= source database (SR)
catalog = same database as used during source backup
auxillary = destination database (DT)
set environment for DT database and following parameters
$export NSR_CLIENT=NODE1------------------> (Very important this must be NODE1 only since backups are taken there)
$export NSR_DATA_VOLUME_POOL=oracle
rman> connect target
rman>connect rcvcat
rman>connect auxiliary /
run {
configure channel device type 'SBT_TAPE' parms 'ENV=(NSR_DEBUG_FILE=/tmp/nsr_channel1.log,NSR_DEBUG_LEVEL=2)';
allocate auxiliary channel t1 type 'SBT_TAPE' debug=5 trace=2 parms 'ENV=(NSR_DEBUG_FILE=/tmp/nsr_channel1.log,NSR_DEBUG_LEVEL=2,NSR_DATA_VOLUME_POOL=oracle)';
debug on;
set until time "to_date('2011-06-07:17:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD:hh24:mi:ss')";
duplicate target database to DT;
debug off;
release channel t1;
you can remove debug and also set untill if you dont need them.
Once duplicate is complete you can comment out the file conversion parameters added in init param file of DT.
Additional commands
Restart networker client service as ROOT user
#/sbin/service networker stop
#/sbin/service networker status
#ps -ef|grep nsr
#/sbin/service networker start
Errors encountered.
Could not locate the LNM save file 'him8opgk_1_1' on server 'kap-us-297nw2'. (2:9:0)
Solution. Make sure you have the right tape volumes accessible for networker server.